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Replaces passenger production in oil rigs by eels, which are accepted by farms in temperate climate, and food processing plants in arctic and tropical climates.
Eels are transportable by hovercraft.

Australian Industry Set
Industry set based on FIRS 1.4.3 and SPI 1.1 sets.

DWE Set - Station Tiles - Industrial
A wide variation of industrial related station tiles. compatible with industrial station renewal

Oil Rig for Snowland and Desert
This .grf adds Oil Rig from Temperate terrain to Sub-arctic and Sub-tropical terrains.
It disables itself in Temperate and Toyland terrains.

Manual Industries
Allows disabling certain aspects of default industries including disabling all economical aspects like opening/closure and production changes.

Using cheats one can then control industries manually without any random changes interfering.

Not compatible with other industry sets.

Initially meant as a joke grf, it seems to be liked by some... (don't ask me)

Note: Grf does not contain any new graphics, so it is not specific to DOS resp. WIN palette.

ECS Chemicals vector
This GRF is outdated, you may want to use this replacement GRF
Chemicals vector, includes new cargos "refined products", "potash", "sulphur", "petrol" definitions, new industries "chemicals plant", "potash mine", modifies default oil rig, oil wells, oi refinary industries.

ECS Machinery vector for trocpic
This GRF is outdated, you may want to use this replacement GRF
Machinery vector for trocpic, includes new cargo "plastic" definitions, new industries "plastic factory", "electronics plant", modifies default rubber plantation, copper ore mine industries.

ECS Town vector
Town vector, includes new cargo "tourists" definitions and "tourists' centre" industries.

ECS Basic vector for tropic
This GRF is outdated, you may want to use this replacement GRF
Basic vector for tropic, includes new cargos "sand" and "glass" definitions, new industries "sand pit", "glass works", modifies default water supply, water tower, diamonds mine and bank industries.

ECS Basic vector for arctic
This GRF is outdated, you may want to use this replacement GRF
Basic vector for arctic, includes new cargos "sand" and "glass" definitions, new industries "sand pit", "glass works", modifies default coal mine, power plant, gold mine and bank industries.

New cargos - Petrol and Tourists
This GRF is outdated, you may want to use this replacement GRF
New cargos is a set that realises new possibility of the TTDpatch - the new cargos. It introduces two new cargos (toursits and petrol) and a set of building and industries that accept and produce cargos. They are hopels, statues, petrol stations and others.

Station's name from nearby industry
This grf names a station with the name of nearby industry, where "nearby" means within 3 tiles.
this grf is not intended to be used with another industries' grf - only use it with default industries. can be used on every climate.

new version 1.1 : added feature to disable oil wells only-decreasing-production behavior on temperate (by SirkoZ)

#1: 1 oil wells can increase production on temperate climate; 0 normal behavior (default)
#2: max distance from coast for oil refineries (default 16)
#3: min distance from coast for oil rigs (default 16)
Param #3 can be omitted and in this case param #2 is used for both refineries and oil rigs

TTDPatch >= 2.6 alpha 0 r1782
OTTD >= 0.7 r14598

Lumber Mill 1.0 (2008-11-20)
The Lumber Mill from Tropic also available at temperate and arctic.
Param0: enable LumberMill (def: 1)
Param1: change Forest to cut trees like Lumber Mill (def: 0)
Param2: disable Forest (or enable in Tropic) (def: 1)

Tourist Set
A Set of two Tourist Industries. Designed for use with the UK Renewal Industries and the Total Town Replacement Set. Graphics by Oz, Zimmlock and WhiteHand.

Only_decrease neutraliser for Oil Wells in temperate terrain
With this .grf the Oil Wells in Temperate (green) terrain no more only decrease, increases are now also possible according to the standard economy formulas (default/smooth (OTTD)).
It's made non-intrusive and shuts itself off in other terrains.

Pikka's Basic Industries
This complete industry set contains industries for Temperate, Arctic and Tropic climates, and features stockpiling for all secondary industries, requirements for industry placement, and new graphics.

UKRS Industries Brick Chain
It expands Pikka's Basic Industries with four additional industries in temperate; quarry, clay pit, brickworks and engineer's yard. These four industries were in the original UKRSI, but were removed from PBI.

Requires Pikka's Basic Industries (44440602)

Renames "goods" as "stuff". A joke grf for Dave Worley.

UK Renewal Industries
This GRF is outdated, you may want to use this replacement GRF
An industry set for the temperate climate. Adds new functionality (stockpiling, limited production) to the default secondary industries, and adds a few new industries and cargoes.

Coal Mine Replacement
Coal mine graphics replacement to old TTDX mine and does not do anything else. It is based on Czech mines "Mayrau" by Kladno and "Julius V" by Komorany (19th and 1st half of 20th century).

Iron Ore Mine Replacement
A new iron ore mine graphics based on Czech iron ore mines from 19th/1st half of 20th century. Replaces old iron ore mine graphic for temperate.

ECS Basic vector
Basic vector, includes new cargos "sand" and "glass" definitions, new industries "sand pit", "glass works", modifies default coal mine, power plant and bank industries.

ECS Agricultural vector
Agricultural vector, includes new cargos "fertiliser", "fibre crops", "fish", "cereals", "oil seeds","wool" definitions, new industries "fishing grounds", "animal farm", "tinning factory", "Brewery", "textile mill", modifies default farm, fruit plantation, food plant industries.

ECS Machinery vector
Machinery vector, includes new cargo "vehicles" definitions, new industries "vehicles industry", "ship yard", modifies default steel mill, iron ore mine industries.

ECS Construction vector
Construction vector, includes new cargos "bricks", "cement", "limestone" definitions, new industries "lime quarry", "cement works", "brick works", "constriction industry", "large constriction industry".

ECS Wood vector
Wood vector, includes new cargo "wood products" definitions, new industries "Furniture fabric", modifies default forest, sawmill, papermill, printing works industries.

New Industries
New Factory, Water Desalinisation plant and Oil power plant all in one

New cargoes and industries

Water Desalinisation Plant
Works alongside Water Supply in Tropical.

Coded entirely by Dalestan and thanks to orudge

New Factory
A factory replacement for TTD

There are 30 grfs in the database.